Any donor wishing to gift money to the San Diego Supercomputer Center can do so in one of the following ways:
- Donors can be directed to give directly through the UCSD gift portal.
- An SDSC fund manager can provide the correct gift fund that should be referenced when making the donation. If a new gift fund is required the SDSC fund manager will work with UCSD Gift Processing to establish a new fund.
- Donor may also give via a check or wire transfer.
- Gifts provided by one of these methods must be accompanied by a gift letter on the donor's letterhead.
- The UCSD gift letter template can be found here. An SDSC fund manager can provide the gift fund number to reference on letter.
Donations via check must be payable to UC Regents and can be mailed to:
UC San Diego Gift Services
9500 Gilman Dr. Mail Code 0940
La Jolla, CA 92093-0940
For donations via wire transfer, donors can contact gifts treasury for instructions at
Additional information about giving to UCSD can be found here.