SDSC New Personnel Guide

Key Steps for New Personnel

  1. Register for your Business Systems account
  2. Register one or more devices for Two-Step Login
  3. Review Timekeeping and Payroll procedures
  4. Visit UCPath and set up direct deposit
  5. Manage your Benefits
  6. Complete Mandatory Training for New Employees
  7. Arrange Parking and Transit
  8. Get to know The SDSC Building
  9. Review UC San Diego's Checklist for New Employees

Additional Information for Employees and Supervisors

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If you are unsure if you are eligible to enroll in benefits, please contact your HR representative.

Mandatory Training

The UC Learning Center is used across the University of California for training and development. You can register for in-person activities offered at UC San Diego, access online activities, and view your training transcript. You may log in using your Active Directory, Student SSO, or Business Systems account.

You must complete the following training within 30 days of hire. You will be emailed completion certificates for these courses. Please forward them to your HR representative so that they can be added to your personnel file.

If you will access student data as part of your job, such as instructors needing access to class lists:

Additional information on compliance and required training.

Mailing Lists

You will be automatically added to one or more SDSC mailing lists:

You can see which lists you are subscribed to in Google Groups. If you are not on a list that you think you should be added to, contact Janel Humphrey for the PI list and Business Computing for all other lists.

You also will be automatically added to a few general campus mailing lists. Many other lists are opt-in subscriptions

Parking and Transit

Timekeeping and Payroll

You will report your hours on either a biweekly or a monthly basis using Ecotime, the University's online timekeeping system, unless informed otherwise by your Human Resources representative.


UCPath is UC's application for managing your personal pay and benefits information. You can:

First time accessing UCPath